SUIT Creative

Arts Collective

SUIT’s art collective meet every Tuesday 12.30pm to 2.30pm for guided practical and applied work, including individual portfolio contributions, upcoming exhibition content, creative writing, exploration of mediums, art history, and how styles have emerged socially. The art group is a safe space for creative discussion, planning, and individual support. You don’t need any experience of art to come to our group; just be motivated within your recovery and open to learning. No referral necessary. Get in touch with for more information.  

Working alongside established creatives, galleries, and festivals, maintains SUIT’s vision of providing opportunity for clients in spaces that can often be considered out of reach to people experiencing addiction and multiple disadvantage. 


“Extending the weekly art group setting to visits of creative interest, workshops, and informal meetings with artists has allowed the collective to experience opportunity in spaces previously unavailable to them” (Christiane).  

Wolverhampton Literature Festival 2023

Tell me about the Literature Festival. How did you feel in that environment, that space? 

…I actually felt normal. I didn’t feel like a drug addict. I felt accepted. I felt included. I didn’t feel judged, just felt like someone else trying to express themselves, and it was great because it gave me ways, loads of ways…learning to be around people in that setting, you have to be around people and learning to talk to random strangers about your art. You’ve taught me all of that, so it’s not just how to paint, but how to focus, find a different way”  

(Catherine, SUIT client, now volunteer; heroin & crack user for 22 years). 

SUIT will be exhibiting at the Wolverhampton Literature Festival 2024. For more information, click on the image below:  


Our ‘Voices of Recovery’ project that was initiated by volunteer Christiane, has gone from strength to strength. What began as a University of Wolverhampton research project has now become part of the bedrock that makes SUIT what it is today. Allowing our clients the opportunity to express themselves through art whilst also providing a space for clients to share experiences of their individual recovery paths so far” (Marcus Johnson, Project Manager).  

“I was approached by a poet friend, who suggested that I get together some clients, and take part in the Wolverhampton Literature Festival. This was November 2022, and the Lit Fest was happening in February. Many of my clients had never painted or produced written work before, but they wanted to learn, and felt honoured to be part of the event. We moved quickly, and I taught my group to paint, delivering workshops surrounding colour, shade, and perspective, and exploring ways to express our experiences of addiction and recovery. The exhibition is on permanent display in the SUIT office and is a working progress” (Christiane). 

SUIT were privileged to take part in the prestigious Wolverhampton Literature Festival, 2023, exhibiting artwork produced in the “Voices of Recovery” series of work. The experience was incredible and had encouraging feedback: